In case you have not received your purchase, first check if closing the game and launching it again helps the purchase to come through. Sometimes purchases can be delivered with a delay due to internet connection problems at the time of purchase, and in these cases relaunching the game can solve the issue.
If relaunching the game doesn't help, send us a support inquiry and we will certainly assist you further. Please attach a screenshot of your purchase receipt (iOS or Android), a description of when the problem occurred and which items you purchased, and any other information you think is relevant, to your message.
You can send us a message by clicking on the "Customer Support" by following the steps below:
1. From our game main screen, click the '⚙️' icon on the upper right corner of your display.
2. Choose 'Customer Support'.
3. Select 'Purchase Issues' and proceed with the provided options in accordance to your issue.